Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hi folks

Welcome to my brandnew blog, so excited to meet you all here. 

I was hesitating about making a blog for so long...do I really have a lot of interesting things to tell, will anyone be willing to read what I have to say? Yeah, I know, a little more selfconfidence you will suggest and you know what...you're right :-)!! Let's just do it, there are so many blogs in the net and everyone's free to subscribe or not.
So...if you think it might be worth trying come visit me.

I'm not so sure yet what will be the content of this blog...probably a big part will consist of patchwork and quilting, funny kids' stuff, my point of view on different things, cooking, books, TV, travelling,....just don't wanna be too restrictive in the choice of my topics here. Variety makes life interesting, doesn't it ;-)??


  1. That's how I felt at first....Welcome! I found your blog through Twitter - when you 'followed' me I always check-out those who do! :-)

  2. Thank you lol, that encourages me to go on :-)!!
